Efia Odo, a well-known actress and model from Ghana, has warned that unattractive men frequently provide the best care for women.
She revealed this in a recent interview, stating that unattractive guys are naturally endowed with the ability to care for women.
Although she further revealed her desirable traits in men, she highlighted wealth as a crucial apex that fires the virtues.
She said:
“Ugly men take good care of women, and of course, I have met and dated ugly guys before, and they had money because you cannot be ugly with no money.
“I feel like if you want to date me, first you need to meet me at a public place like a restaurant or a lounge, I hate being hooked up by someone.
“You also need to get my attention by having nice teeth. If your teeth is not nice, I can’t talk to you. I can’t date short guys because I’m always on 6 inches, and you need to have lots of money.”
watch the video here;
What’s for breakfast this morning 🍳 ? pic.twitter.com/bUOEUqMEja
— EFIAODO (@Efiaodo1) January 12, 2023