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“In whatever you do, don’t marry an illiterate” Sandra Iheuwa, a media figure in Nigeria, offers guidance

A Gundam holding a gun, damn! Sandra Iheuwa

Sandra Iheuwa, a well-known businesswoman and entertainment figure in Nigeria, has urged bachelors to associate with educated people if they wish to enter a marriage relationship.


She made this commitment on her Instagram story, where she also described two attributes a guy should look for in a bride.

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She explained that prospective spouses should ensure they marry a kind companion who is not ineffective or malicious. She concluded by promising that if this included marrying an illiterate, it would be an expensive error because their lack of education would prevent them from having an intelligent discourse.

She described it thus way:

“II whatever you do make sure you marry a kind partner not a useless & wicked one….this goes to both genders”

“I forgot to add this one…..the one is very important.”

“Don’t marry an illiterate….just imagine having a masters degree and your partner is a high school dropout the level of thinking won’t be the same….you can’t have a meaningful intellectual conversation with this person… will never work” 

Check out her post below;

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